1.4 Distributive Property

This lesson will cover the Distributive Property. Algebra has many properties and rules but one of the most used is the Distributive Property. Students must master this property to move forward in their understanding of algebra.  The Distributive Property is almost always applied when solving equations, inequalities and other various tasks in algebra. The good news is the Distributive Property is not difficult- it's really just another way to multiply. However, just because the rule is easy it's also easy to make a mistake. So make sure you understand the lesson and practice the property as much as you can.


  1. Watch The Lesson Video First - Take Good Notes.
  2. Next, Scroll All The Way Down The Page To View The Practice Problems - Try Them On Your Own.
  3. Check The Solutions To The Practice Problems By Looking At The Answer Key At The End Of The Worksheet.
  4. However, YOU MUST Still Watch The Video Solutions To The Practice Problems; These Are The Videos Labeled EX A, EX B, etc. - They Are Located Next To The Lesson Video.
  5. After You Do All Of The Practice Problems - Complete The Section and Advance To The Next Topic.

Practice Problems:

1.4 Alg1DistributivePropertyPreview.pdf
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